My Book

Slaying Your Fear Giants
A giant is stalking you, determined to take you out.
Does anxiety creep into your mind in the most random moments? Do you wake up in the middle of the night with your heart pounding? Do fears have a death grip on you?
Then this book is for you!
Move from a jungle of terror to a garden of peace starting today!
Now Available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold.
This book is so good at giving you practical
strategies & ideas on how to “Slay Your Fear Giants”!! It’s a beautifully written story about the author's life & how she used her faith & Gods scriptures & her own experiences to deal with her anxieties & fears that affected her from a young age in the Philippines to adulthood here in the United States. A very engaging, relatable story that will keep you interested & loving this book for yourself & others. I’ve recommended this book to many family & friends struggling with severe or everyday life anxieties. It was a lifesaver for me & helped me on my path to healing & better quality of life. I give it a 5 out of 5 stars!!

-Nikki, Teacher