Don't go through another day without knowing who you were created to be.
Join me through this 5-week interactive course to self-discovery.

“You can’t experience true success or significance if you don’t know WHO you are and WHOSE you are. To make an impact upon the world you must understand what it means to be connected to your Creator, CORE, and community.”
-Kary Oberbrunner, Author, Your Secret Name
Your Secret Name
Your Secret Name 5 Week Journey is a step-by-step process to make this desire your reality.
This 100% online learning experience is right for you if:
- You desire to reset your self-image set-point.
- You want to become who you were born to be.
- You are tired of wearing a mask and suffering from imposter syndrome.
- You want to be set free from your past and live in light of a new future.
- You would benefit from deeper and richer relationship with yourself, others people, and the God who made you.
- You’re ready to live according to the way God sees you and not the way others do.