When I Think I Know

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone–while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?” Job 38:4-7 NIV

I love math and enjoy teaching it. However, I have a student who thinks he knows it all. He is quick to run ahead not waiting for me to finish explaining the process. He ends up making mistakes, but does not take kindly to corrections.

Do you find yourself the same way with God? I do.

When challenges arise, my brain runs ahead plotting solutions and I immediately execute my plan of action, without first consulting the One who truly knows. At other times, I promptly pick up my phone and call someone to talk things through or to ask for prayers.

Job was a righteous man  who God tested. He wrestled through a period of questioning. His three friends and a younger man came to the rescue but he refused to see it their way and repent until God spoke.

God asked him questions no human being could answer (Job 38). Our awesome God of the universe has all the answers to every question we could ever ask. He speaks mountains into existence and levels them with a word. He holds the key to unlock every mystery.  He is waiting for us to approach Him. He longs for us to sit by His side, to listen to His still small voice. Mary did that and it pleased the LORD (Luke 10:38-39 NIV).

LORD, help me to sit at your feet and listen to you speak. Forgive me when I think I know it all and run with that perception. Pardon me also when I dash to someone else instead of approaching your throne first. You are Omniscient. Help me to listen, wait, and trust in You.

In Jesus’ Name,


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